Chairman of the Board

Paran Johar

As Chairman of SparxWorks, Paran is responsible for the strategic vision of the company as it evolves. Paran’s leadership comes from many years in executive roles at Comexposium, Modern Marketing Summit, Jumptap, MRM (McCann), and Tribal DDB.

Prior to his role at SparxWorks, Paran was the Global CEO of MMS – Modern Marketing Summit, adTech, and iMedia as part of Comexposium, one of the largest event companies globally. Before being aquired by Comexposium, Paran was the founder and CEO of MMS which he grew into one of the largest Mobile Media and Advertising conference in the US and Western Europe. Before starting MMS, Paran was the Chief Marketing Officer at venture backed Jumptap, a leading mobile media company which was eventually sold to Millenial Media/AOL/Verizon. Prior to that, Paran served in leadership roles as EVP of Digital Marketing at MRM (McCann) and Tribal DDB. His broad knowledge across digital media, agencies, mobile and emerging technology help his clients evolve in the fast paced new world of marketing and advertising.